February 4, 2024

(May expire after about 6 months)

TEXT: Mark 1:29-39

TOPIC: Prayer


In his sermon, Fr. Jose discusses the importance of prayer in the Christian life. He bases his message on Mark 1:35-39, where Jesus rises early to pray before continuing his ministry of teaching and healing.

The priest notes that prayer precedes power - Jesus prayed daily for the strength to do God's will. Our prayers should also be big and audacious rather than small and timid, because God wants to do great things through us. We need to believe that God is for us and will answer our prayers.

The size of our prayers depends on our view of God. If we see God as infinite and all-powerful, we will pray boldly. But if we minimize God, our prayers will be small. There is no limit to what God can do!

Fr. Jose challenges us to make this Lent a time of fervent, devoted prayer. When we draw close to God, we will see His power unleashed in our lives and church. Let's follow Jesus' example and spend time early in prayer, believing God for great things. This Lent can be a life-changing spiritual experience if we open our hearts to God in persistent, powerful prayer.


  • “Until you come to the conviction that God’s grace and power has no limit, you will pray small prayers.”

  • “The transcript of your prayer becomes the transcript of your life.”


  1. How often, and for what, do you pray?

  2. Fr. Jose said, “Many of us pray as if our problems are bigger than God.” The size of our prayers, and the way we ask for our requests, depends on our view of God. What do your prayers indicate about your view of God? Is there any way your view of God may need to grow?

  3. If it’s true that “the transcript of your prayer becomes the transcript of your life,” what kind of transcript do you want? What and who might God be calling you to pray for during Lent this year? Is there a particular situation or person that God has put on your heart? Is God calling you to something for which you depend on His power and need to ask Him for it regularly? Is there something you need discernment and clarity about? Do you simply want to be closer to God?

  4. The first step in committing to prayer is choosing a time and place to pray. Where and when will you pray during Lent? How might you need to adjust the rest of your schedule in order to pray? Do you need to set up any kind of reminders or prepare a particular space to help you enter more fully into prayer? Might it be helpful to have a prayer partner or accountability partner to help you stay faithful to this commitment?

PRAYER: “Lord Jesus, I want to follow you more fully. If you prayed big prayers regularly, then certainly I must pray big prayers regularly too! I know I depend on you for everything I am and have and do. Please give me extra grace for faithful prayer this Lent. Show me more fully how great you are and how you want me to pray. Open your word and your truth to me. Expand my view of you and of what you want to do in and through me and St. Luke’s. And help me to see your answers as they come. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”


February 11, 2024


January 28, 2024