June 30, 2024

(May expire after about 6 months)

TEXT: Mark 5:22-43

TOPIC: Faith


Two Daughters and One Son: A Lesson in Faith and Compassion

In this powerful sermon, Father Jose explores the Gospel story of two daughters and one son - Jesus Christ. He compares the experiences of Jairus' daughter and the woman with an issue of blood, highlighting their differences in social status, resources, and recognition. Yet despite these contrasts, both women receive healing through their encounters with Jesus.

The sermon emphasizes several key points about Jesus' character and ministry:

  1. Jesus cares enough to stop for individuals, even when on important missions.

  2. He shows gentleness and compassion to those in need.

  3. Jesus is the healer of the desperate and the refuge of the weak.

  4. He responds to faith, no matter how small.

Father Jose reminds us that catastrophes, illness, and death can affect anyone, regardless of their position or wealth. In these moments, only Jesus can make the true difference in our lives.

The sermon provides a simple yet profound definition of faith: lifting our eyes to the Lord, acknowledging Him as God, and trusting Him through all of life's paths. Faith is not complicated theological knowledge, but an active trust and reliance on God.

Father Jose encourages listeners that even in dark times, we can lift our gaze to God and declare our trust in Him. While pain belongs to this earthly life, eternal life and glory belong to God and heaven.

The sermon concludes with a powerful reminder that God never fails us. Though we may face challenges and suffering in this life, we have the promise that everything will ultimately be okay if God is with us. We can trust in His unfailing love and presence, no matter our circumstances.


  1. Share about a time you trusted God in a difficult season. (It may feel a little awkward to tell a story about something good you did, but sharing our stories of trusting God can often help us trust Him again or trust Him more.)

  2. What did that experience show you about God’s character?

  3. What did it teach you about trust and faith?

PRAYER: Thank God for His faithfulness in a difficult season. Then think of someone you know who is going through a hard time. Ask God to reveal His faithfulness to that person in the midst of their hard time.


June 23, 2024