June 16, 2024

(May expire after about 6 months)

TEXT: Mark 4:26-34

TOPIC: God’s Hidden Work


The Hidden Work of God

In this thought-provoking sermon, the pastor explores how God often works quietly and imperceptibly in our lives and in the world. Unlike politicians or individuals who loudly claim credit for their achievements, God typically hides His work as He brings about goodness.

The sermon draws on Jesus' parables of the growing seed and the mustard seed to illustrate how God's kingdom grows slowly and almost invisibly over time. Just as we can't see a plant actually growing but only notice its progress later, God's work in our lives and in the world is often only apparent in retrospect.

This pattern of hidden work extends beyond the church to the kingdoms and nations of the world. The pastor points out that even great empires like ancient Assyria, which took pride in their own accomplishments, were actually made great by God working behind the scenes.

In our personal lives, God's quiet work manifests in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the gradual transformation of our character over time. The sermon encourages listeners to reflect on the small, seemingly insignificant moments where God may have planted seeds of faith or change in their lives.

Ultimately, God remains hidden because He wants us to love Him for who He is, not just for what He can do for us. The incarnation of Jesus as a humble carpenter, rather than a dramatic display of power, exemplifies this divine approach.

The sermon concludes by urging believers to have courage and give thanks for God's hidden work, even in times of struggle or apparent absence. By trusting in God's quiet presence and ongoing activity, we can live by faith and anticipate the day of ultimate redemption.


  1. Can you think of another example from the Bible where God quietly worked in the life of a person or nation, and God’s role was visible mostly in retrospect?

  2. Do you have any examples of this quiet work of God in your own life?

  3. What do these examples from scripture and your own life show you about who God is?

PRAYER: Quiet your heart and mind, and invite the Lord to show you one way he has been quietly working that you haven’t noticed before. Let yourself notice what comes to mind. (If nothing comes, just pick something you already know about.) Thank God for what you notice about his work and his character.


June 23, 2024


June 9, 2024